Family Medical Leave Act Claims
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) is a federal law that allows eligible employees to take unpaid leave for certain family and medical reasons, such as the birth or adoption of a child, the serious illness of a spouse, child, parent, or the employee’s own serious illness.
FMLA administration can be complex and time-consuming. ConnectBridge provides a compelling third-party administrators (TPAs) option because it helps businesses of all sizes manage their FMLA compliance and administration needs.
We offer a suite of services to help you with:
Eligibility determination
We determine which employees are eligible for FMLA leave.
Leave request processing
We process employee leave requests and provide status updates to employees.
Medical certification
We obtain medical certifications from employees' health care providers to support their FMLA leave requests.
Leave tracking and reporting
We track employee leave usage and generate reports to help monitor compliance.
ConnectBridge makes FMLA compliance significantly easier because we:
Reduce risk of compliance errors
We have the subject matter expertise to help you comply with all applicable FMLA laws and regulations.

Reduce administrative burden
We take on the time-consuming and complex tasks of FMLA administration, freeing up HR departments to focus on critical operations.
Improve employee satisfaction
We help you provide a better employee experience by ensuring that employees’ FMLA requests are processed quickly and efficiently.

Selecting a TPA requires focus on:
Choose a TPA with experience in FMLA administration. ConnectBridge's leave specialists have the required procedural experience bolstered by the legal experience of our team of para professionals.
Services offered
Make sure the TPA offers the services that you need, such as eligibility determination, leave request processing, medical certification, leave tracking and reporting, compliance assistance, and claims reporting and dashboards.
Choose a TPA with a good reputation for providing quality FMLA services.
Compare the fees charged by different TPAs to find the best value for your business.